Aesthetix Callisto Eclipse 為一部真空管前級擴大機,採雙單聲道及分離電源結構,線路為真正平衡式、恆定阻抗設計,確保左右聲道的分離度,並用特製外殼密封,以達最佳屏蔽效果。
Roederstein Vishay 電阻、46 位階音量控制電路,在任何音壓下皆可展現低失真。
8 支真空管、8 枚 StealthCap 銅箔電容、堅固的機箱設計,在在讓聲音溫暖、迷人、大器,更曾獲得 TAS GOLDEN EAR 殊榮!
電源供應器:$250,000,讓 CALLISTO Eclipse 的電源變身為單聲道電源供應
REMOTE FOR CALLISTO Eclipse:$150,000
輸入:RCA / XLR*2、RCA*4
輸出:RCA / XLR*2、錄音迴路*1
增益:23 dB (RCA) 29 dB (平衡)
頻率響應:20 Hz~ 20 kHz (+/-0.25 dB)
主機:50 x 44.5 x 14.2 cm (DxWxH),22.7 kg
電源:50 x 44.5 x 14.2 cm (DxWxH),20.5 kg
Inputs: Six inputs: First two single-ended (rca) or balanced (XLR); remaining four single-ended (rca) only
Outputs: 2 RCA (SE) and XLR (balanced), 1 tape RCA
Line level gain: 23 dB single ended (SE), in/out, and 29 dB balanced/out
Volume control: switched resistor network volume control with 46 steps
Front panel controls: Left and right input select, left and right volume
Remote controls(optional): Volume, mute, balance, phase (option)
Frequency response: +- 0.25 dB, 20 Hz – 20 Khz
Signal to noise: measured at 70 dB minimum, A-weighted (ref 1 mv input, 75 dB gain setting)
Line input impedence: 100K ohms SE, 200K ohms balanced
Output impedence: 1K ohms SE, 600 ohms balanced
Recommended amplifier load: 10K ohms or greater (SE), 20K ohms or greater (Balanced)
Tubes, each channel: (line section) V1 (6922), V2 (12AX7), V3 (6922), V4 (6SN7)
Power consumption: 300 watts
Physical dimensions:
Main unit, MkII or Signature: 5 5/8″ high, 19″ wide, 18″ deep including jacks
Main unit, Eclipse: 5 1/2″ high, 17 1/2″ wide, 18″ deep including jacks
Power supply, MkII or Signature: 5 5/8″ high, 19″ wide, ” deep including jacks
Power supply, Eclipse: 5 5/8″ high, 17 1/2″ wide, 18 1/4″ deep including jacks
Shipping weights:
Main unit, MkII or Signature: 42 Lbs
Main unit, Eclipse: 47 Lbs
Power supply, MkII or Signature: 50 Lbs
Power supply, Eclipse: 55 Lbs