雙校正時鐘 Aesthetix Pandora USB DAC,使用真空管 DAC 線路,機箱為全鋁製結構、並以不鏽鋼將數位、類比和電源隔離屏蔽。
提供全平衡 XLR 和 RCA 類比訊號輸出;三組全獨立的變壓器分別對應數位、類比和控制供電,讓機器內各電路不會互相干擾,保持訊號純淨。
除現有 S/PDIF、AES/EBU 與 USB 輸入端子外,另預留「插槽式」輸入界面,供未來如有新傳輸界面問世時,可加裝「數位介面卡」直接升級。
USB 輸入採「非同步處理」(Asychronous transfer) 傳輸,可大幅度降低時基誤差。
真空管類比放大,使用 12AX7 與 6DJ8 各一對,「無負回授」放大線路,為市面上少有的高階真空管放大 USB DAC!
PANDORA Signature:$550,000
PANDORA Eclipse:$660,000
Card-based DAC with three digital input slots.
AES/EBU, RCA Coax, Toslink standard on digital input 1 slot.
AES/EBU and RCA Coax SPDIF capable of 192KHz / 24 bit.
Digital section capable of the following frequencies: 32KHz, 44.1KHz, 48KHz, 88.2KHz, 96KHz, 176.4KHz, 192KHz, all with 24 bit resolution.
USB standard on digital input 2 slot.
USB capable of class 1 audio (96KHz, 24bit) and class 2 audio (192KHz, 24bit).
2nd USB input optional.
Asynchronous transfer mode for USB input, licensed from Gordon Rankin / Wavelength Technologies. This technology allows for jitter levels over a hundred times lower than previous USB solutions.
DSP based digital section using Motorola DSP56362 for digital filters.
DAC section based on Burr-Brown PCM1792A.
Analog section featuring four vacuum tubes in differential configuration (2x 12AX7, 2x 6DJ8/6922).
Zero feedback analog circuitry.
Balanced and single-ended outputs.
Volume control optional, allows DAC to drive a power amplifier directly. Relay-based switched resistor analog/digital design.
Remote control of all functions.
Multiple stainless steel faraday cages isolate critical digital, analog and power supply sections.
Three transformers, one for critical digital circuits, one for analog circuits and one for control functions.
All aluminum chassis construction.
RS232 control.
12v trigger.
Available in black or silver faceplate.
Unit Weight: 15.9 kg
Dimensions:46 x 45.5 x 10.8 cm (DxWxH)