YG INVINCIBLE 21.1 超低音喇叭,以高精密度技術,將航太級鋁錠以 CNC 加工,打造絕佳喇叭箱體,成就大頻寬、大動態、極低失真的卓越表現。
YG Acoustics 核心技術:
CabinetTechnology箱體技術,以整塊航太級鋁錠 CNC 製成。
FocusedElimination 消除共振技術,透過精準箱體幾何設計,從源頭將箱體內可能產生的駐波根絕。
DualCoherent 分音器技術,兼顧頻率響應與時間相位一致。
ToroAir 環形電感,讓低音運動更線性、更有衝擊力、更清晰。
ForgeCore 超低失真高音。
BilletDome 高音單體,以無共振軟圓頂振膜、CNC 製成鋁合金框架,完美結合軟絲質振膜與金屬振膜優點。
BilletCore 鋁合金振膜,以整塊鋁錠 CNC 製成,輕薄且表面應力平均。
ViseCoil 低音電感,安裝在鋁合金框架中,消除運作時的振動與縮小誤差。
Truly full output (-0 dB), even anechoically, to below 20 Hz
Usable output extends below 15 Hz
BilletCore ultra-high-rigidity subwoofer(s) with a diameter of 53 cm (21″)
InVincible 21.1 – single driver
Up to 6,000 watts RMS (requires a 230 Volt AC hookup, otherwise 3,000 watts)
Proprietary DualCoherent-inspired crossover with user-controllable frequency
Designed using software developed in-house
Pre-programmed for precise matching with YG Acoustics speakers
Extensive options for matching with third-party speakers
Dimensions:75 x 68 x 66cm (H x W x D)
Color Options
Invincible 21.1 is available in three finish types: anodization, ChromALure, and high gloss paint. Contact your dealer for more information.